So much Ops these days


    I didn’t post for a while because I had to escape the cold for six weeks. But yeah, there was a power outage in my absence, my ISP assigned me some new IP’s and everything was fk’d pretty much. I don’t have much time to find a permanent, nice and clean solution. For now I…

  • Radicale throws Apache server error after a server reboot

    Work around: $ sudo chown -R www-data /var/llib/radicale If you want to know more about my Radicale installation on a armbian singeboard server then read this.

  • Redshift GUI

    Issue: Redshift Geoclue error and flickering. Solution: Create a redshift.conf with the following content: s0s@pris-theforce:~/.config$ cat redshift.conf; Global settings for redshift[redshift]; Set the day and night screen temperaturestemp-day=5700temp-night=3500 ; Enable/Disable a smooth transition between day and night; 0 will cause a direct change from day to night screen temperature.; 1 will gradually increase or decrease…

  • Manual renewal Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate

    $ sudo certbot -d –manual –preferred-challenges dns certonly Follow the instructions on your terminal, (Meaning: adding a DNS txt record using ACME) . Read here. System info:$base@lime2:~# cat /etc/os-release NAME=”Ubuntu”VERSION=”20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)”ID=ubuntuID_LIKE=debianPRETTY_NAME=”Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS”VERSION_ID=”20.04″ UPDATE: I tried above not so long ago and it didn’t work. DNS TXT record could not be found.…

  • From old laptop to Debian server

    Objective I told my colleague I wanted to build a x68 server, so I could run web-apps and other self-hosted services. He asked if I had old hardware laying around. I have this really old Asus laptop with the following specs: Notebook:Asus K73SV-TY032VProcessor: Intel Core i5 2410MGraphics Adapter:NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 1024 MBDisplay: 17.30 inch,…

  • Creating workflow’s with FTP Deploy

    The last few days I tried GitHub’s solution for deploying my website, that gets triggered after a Git commit. I have no VPS , just a simple hosting plan with FTP access to upload files to a public_html directory. I use Visual Studio Code for developing, Git for deploying, and FTP for uploading changed files.…

  • Potential XSS vulnerability in jQuery

    I discovered GitHub has this nice feature called “Vulnerability alerts”. I had to update Bootstrap Core JS. I changed this line to: <script src=””></script>The GitHub alert is marked as fixed now.

  • Almalinux 9.1 on Virtualbox 7.0.6

    My Almalinux VM runs on Virtualbox, and works like a charm. The hardware I’m using is a Thinkbook with awesome gaming specs. I don’t want to deal with games that don’t run on Linux, so I choose Windows. I woke up with Chrony issues on Alma today, so I wasn’t able to browse the net…

  • Ahee Apache

    This blog is powered by Apache. And running on the A20 OLinuXino Lime2 for a couple of years now.

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